Sunday, July 10, 2016

I *heart* Love, Cake

Dear Readers,

While perusing blog land (after saving humanity from erroneous Wikipedia entries!) I stumbled upon an amazing blog called 'Love, Cake." It is a new favorite of mine and I thought you would enjoy it, too.

You can go and drool over it yourself here: Love, Cake

I was instantly smitten with her gorgeous photography, but more so by her upscale, modern take on classic favorites.

My own chocolate chip cookies

I will confess that personally, my favorite cookie is a classic oatmeal raisin.  I think most people expect me to say "chocolate chip" because I'm slightly famous for mine (really!) but honestly, I love a well made oatmeal raisin cookie.

Savoring the spices and chewy raisins instantly transport me to a fantasy childhood moment where the only thing I have to worry about is how to get more cookies from my mom.  Oatmeal cookies are my number one nostalgia food item.

Baking professionally doesn't leave me with a lot of time or inclination to bake for myself. Unfortunately, oatmeal cookies aren't on my menu and so I don't indulge in them very often.

Imagine my delight when I looked up Love, Cake's version of my beloved favorite.  It contained both banana and chocolate chunks and I think I may have died and gone to oatmeal cookie heaven.

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip - Love, Cake

I was so moved by her gorgeous blog and fabulous recipe that I did something I normally wouldn't and commented on the post.

If you love oatmeal cookies as much as I do you can find the recipe (and my comment) here: Chocolate Chunk Banana Oatmeal Cookies

If oatmeal cookies aren't really for you, I guarantee you will find something to love on her blog and I encourage you to treat yourself and check it out!

Stay Sweet!


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